DNA Results


By Walter V. Casto

In April of 2005, David E. Casto contacted me regarding the use of Y-Chromosome analysis to study relationships within the Casto Family. David E. had been searching for several years for a documented connection to either David ca 1715 or William 1717, while I had been searching my connections into the family of William 1717.

Our investigations began in May 2005, and by the end of the year it was apparent that we were dealing with two distinct genetic groups. David and one of his relatives were in one group and myself and a few others in a second group. I was part of the group that had a paper trail to both David and William. I continued contacting Casto families in the United States until I believed there were enough representatives of both David and William to draw some conclusion about their relationship.

The following report presents the results and conclusions of the Y-Chromosome study of  the descendants of David ca 1715 and William 1717.  David E. Casto will prepare a separate report for the genetic group he represents.    

Walter Casto

January, 2007


Click here to download the information above

Click here to download the results of Walter’s research  

         “…Because their ages are apparently very close it would seem that they were indeed BROTHERS OR COUSINS…”

Click here to download the results of David’s research

     “…After participants were enlisted and results started coming in, it was apparent we were dealing with two different groups of people …”

2008 UPDATE:


In an effort to reach a larger European Y Chromosome data base, I have added a test conducted by Family Tree DNA. Family Tree has a large and growing data base which uses many of the same markers as DNA Heritage but also includes different and distinct markers. The common markers between the two were identical except for one marker.

I have posted my results at YSEARCH, a large international data base.  The Casto male Y Chromosome results are now posted on two data sites. I compared my results with Family Tree and YSEARCH data bases without a match.  Hopefully one day there will be a match with another family group either nationally or internationally.

Walter Casto

30 September 2008


When Walter & David took on their research project, they found that David’s line was not a direct father-to-son Casto line even though David has the Casto surname.  David had always been stumped trying to fit his John George Casto(e) into the family tree and the DNA proved that they did not have the same Y chromosome as the other Casto researchers.  David continued his research into his ancestor and came up with what he believes is the correct story.

John George Casto was actually John George Goucher, son of William Goucher and Sarah Casto.  First there was the marriage of Sarah and William.  In Wes Cochran’s Harrison Co., WV Marriages, 1785-1894, it has the following marriage:  Coucher, William to Casto, Sarah on Dec. 21, 1802.  She was the daughter of Benj. & Margret Shreve.  (Early spellings of the Goucher name were cougher, goger, gouger, etc., but settled into Goucher with his children).  “The Combined Casto Collection of David Leroy Casto and James H. Casto—Vol. I—The Descendents of David Casto & Phoebe Gandy (June, 2008)”, page 30, lists the marriage of Sarah Casto, daughter of David Casto, Jr. and Margaret Provence, to William George on Dec. 21 1802.  The book, “Casto Cousins”, by Eileen Vickers, states that Benjamin Shreve was an administrator of the will of David Casto, Jr. who died in Jan., 1802, and was a guardian of David’s daughter, Sarah, signing her marriage certificate.  Several children have been identified for William & Sarah Goucher.  A recent discovery added another piece to the puzzle.  “US Army Register of Enlistments: 1798-1914; Enlistments for the Year 1834” found on Ancestry.com lists this:

pg 75. #36  GOUCHER, JOHN age 21, blue eyes, dark hair, fair complexion, 5’6″ in height, born VA, Wood County, blacksmith.  Enlisted 26 March at Portsmouth by Lt Clyman for 3 year period in Drag. I (Dragoon I).  Deserted 15 December 1834.

pg 75. # 38  GOUCHER, ROBERT age 20, blue eyes, fair hair, complexion fair, height 6’1″, born Wood County, VA, labourer.  Enlisted March 25 at Portsmouth by Lt Clyman for three years in Drag I (Dragoon ‘I’).  Died 5th Sept 1834 at Fort Gibson A.T.

David’s notes continue:

Two Goucher boys from Wood county joined the US Army Dragoons in Portsmouth Ohio, downriver from Gallipolis. At Fort Gibson in what is now eastern Oklahoma the regiment undertook the Pawnee expedition in the summer of 1834. One quarter of the men died from cholera & malaria, many more were sick. Robert Goucher died during that epidemic. That winter John Goucher must have decided he’d had enough & ran. He knew he couldn’t be caught. Deserters were whipped, branded, & put in the guardhouse for the rest of their enlistment.

 It wasn’t far to sparsely settled south west Missouri. I believe John Goucher went there & changed his name to John G. Casto to avoid the law. The rest is history.

Dorothy England also found another Goucher that is most likely a son of the William Goucher family. William the younger was on the Wood co. Va tax rolls until 1838, then he is gone from Wood co. records. In the 1840 census of Coahoma co. Mississippi a William Goucher of the right age is living. Dr. GW Goucher said that when he first started practicing medicine he did so in Mississippi. In searching the state census for 1841 in Coahoma county she found George W. & a Washington Goucher. Both of them were married, Washington had children. He must have been another son to the William Goucher family. 

Another source is “An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon” by H.K. Hines in 1893, p. 704: 

Dr. G.W. Goucher of Amity, Yam Hill county, Oregon, is one of the oldest practicing physicians of this county and has, by a life of devotion to his practice and uniform kindness of heart, endeared himself to the people of this community. He was born in West Virginia, August 26, 1820, and is of French ancestry, who came to the Old Dominion previous to the Revolution. His father, William Goucher, was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married Miss Sarah Casto in Greenbrier county of the same State. They had nine children, seven sons and two daughters, all of whom attained maturity. Two are now living, James Goucher, of San Francisco, California, and the subject of oar sketch. In 1825 the father died and five years later the mother also expired, leaving the subject of our sketch an orphan at ten years of age.

Additional Information from Barbara Hartsook:

1810 Census Wood Co., Virginia Index

Gougeher, William Pg.811 – HW Pg#5

1810 Census Wood Co. Virginia (West Virginia)

Cougcher, William

Males2 – under 101 – 26 to 45

Females1 – under 101 – 16 to 26

1820 Census Wood Co., Virginia (West Virginia)

Gouger, William


3 – under 10

1 – 10 to 16

1 – 16 to 18

1 – 16 to 26

1 – 26 to 45


1 – under 10

1 – 10 to 16

1 – 26 to 45

1822 Wood Co., (West Virginia) Virginia Land Book

William Gougher

1830 Census Wood Co., Virginia (West Virginia)

Gougher, Sarah


2 – 5 to 10

2 – 10 to 16

1 – 15 to 20


1 – 30 to 39

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Highly probable children of William and Sarah Goucher:

¨ Jemima Goucher married Caleb Barrett 13 Feb 1823 Wood Co., VA

¨ Sarah Gouger married Eli Mann 8 Feb 1829 Wood Co., VA

Confirmed children of William and Sarah Goucher:

¨ James Gouger married Mary Heaton 17 Dec 1844 Wood Co., VA

¨ George Gouger married Sophonia Phelps 3 Sept 1839 Wood Co., VA (possible 1st wife)

Information found in Virginia Marriages 1740 – 1850

Jemima Goucher Barrett’s son Caleb Gillette Barrett – same middle name as George Gillette Goucher, son of George G Goucher, grandson of James Goucher. Connection – Gillette is not a common name.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Will book information from Wood county.

William Gouger died Dec. 20, 1826.

Sarah Goucher died approx. March in 1835. Her appraisal doesnt give the exact date, but she was on the tax rolls for 1834, but not in the March 1835 one.

David C. Goucher died Sept. 28, 1837.

Tax Rolls,

1832-William Gouger, Sarah Gouger, David Gouger.

1834-Sarah Goucher.

1835-David Goucher, Wm. Goucher.

1836-Wm. Goucher, David C. Goucher.

1838-Wm. Goucher.

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