From 1997 until 2003, I wrote and published the Casto Connections newsletter. In total, there were 25 issues with articles about everything from the earliest known Castos in America to the lineages of current-day subscribers. It was read in three countries and was placed in several libraries around the country, including the Family Research Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am now making these issues available to you for free. All I ask is that you read the following guidelines:
- Please don’t sell the information—genealogists pay enough for certificates and copies that they don’t need to pay for this, too.
- The newsletters were published from 1997 to 2003. During that time, I lived in three states, owned four houses, and the information did get changed, updated, or deleted along the way. Please pay attention to the date of publication and keep in mind that what was true in 2000 may have been proven incorrect by 2003. (To mention nothing of 2022!)
- Also, I was very careful to have sources for all the information I published. However, several years after the writing, I may be a little slow in remembering what I wrote or where I put the source material. But if you want to know more about something you’ve read in one of my newsletters, please don’t hesitate to write me and ask.
- Over the years, several contributors have moved on to other research, changed their email address, or gotten their angel wings and gone to ask their ancestors directly. If you try to contact someone and don’t get a response, let me know and I’ll see if I can help you locate them.
Without further ado, the newsletters… (Each issue opens in a new tab)
- Issue #1 – July 1997
- Introducing Ourselves
- Article on Elizabeth Abbott
- Ancestral Chart & Family Group Sheet on Elizabeth Abbott
- Vital Records
- Quips & Queries
- Issue #2 – October 1997
- Tribute to David Leroy Casto
- The Family of William Casto, b. 1717 (including will & bible pages
- Jackson Co., WV Marriages 1850-1854
- Jackson Co., WV Births 1859
- Issue #3 – January 1998
- The Status of David Casto’s Research
- Castos and the Civil War
- Jackson Co., WV Birth Records 1860-61
- Jackson Co., WV Death Records 1876-1883
- People Buried in Casto Cemetery of Fairplain, WV
- Issue #4 – April 1998
- Special issue devoted entirely to the Casto ancestry of 19 of our newsletter subscribers (click here for special chart—14” wide)
- Issue #5 – July 1998
- Locations where Castos have lived
- More Jackson Co., WV Vital Records
- Continuation of List of People Buried in Casto Cemetery (from Issue #3)
- Issue #6 – October 1998
- Photos of Casto Ancestors
- Jackson Co., WV 1900 Census—Casto Families
- Issue #7 – January 1999
- Article on where Capt. Kidd & the Casto Family could have crossed paths
- Spotlight on Ancestors of Amy Ryan, descendent of Wm. Casto, Sr. & Hannah Bonnett as well as John J. Casto and Grace McDade
- Issue #8 – April 1999
- This issue was very similar to Issue #4, except with the lines of 12 other subscribers! (click here for special chart—14” wide)
- Issue #9 – July 1999
- Article on Genetic Genealogy
- Remarks from Noted Casto Researcher, Ina Tuft
- Casto Family Health Questionnaire
- Issue #10 – October 1999
- Second part of Genetic Genealogy Article—Casto Info
- Causes of Death of Some Castos (1854-1924—Jackson Co., WV)
- My Casto Research Projects in Progress
- Issue #11 – January 2000
- List of Casto researchers (similar to what’s found on the web page)
- Casto Families found in Jackson Co. from 1850 to 1900
- Issue #12 – April 2000
- 9 Subscriber’s Casto Lines (click here for special chart)
- Some Illinois Castos
- Issue #13 – July 2000
- Review of past issues and research, as well as current and future work on the Casto Family
- Conflicting information and how to solve it
- Casto Marriages for Williams and Marthas
- Casto Reunion Information
- Issue #14 – October 2000
- Casto Reunion 2000
- Response to July Issue
- Ohio Death Certificate Index—Castos
- Issue #15 – January 2001
- Wonderful new feature: Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Wondering About Your Family History? Try Genealogy!
- How to Start Researching Your Family
- Kansas Casto data
- Quips & Queries and Web Wanderings (regular features)
- Issue #16 – April 2001
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Daughters(?) of David
- Records Found of Castos in Indiana
- WV Casto Reunion Notice
- Issue #17 – October 2001
- Marietta, OH Casto Reunion
- Ripley, WV Casto Reunion
- John & Renna (Molze) Casto Family
- Working Backwards in Time
- Castos on 1910 Ohio Census
- Signature Quilt
- The Search for Luther Casto
- Quips & Queries
- Issue #18 – January 2002 (very popular issue of lists)
- 1910 Jackson Co., WV Census Index
- US Casto Land Records
- Missouri Casto Marriages & 1920 Soundex
- Doctors Casto
- Social Security Death Index—CastoEs
- Civil War Service Records of CastoEs
- 1900 & 1920 Arkansas Casto records
- Census records for James Casto (1820-1875) family (UT, ID, WY)
- Incomplete list of Castos from 1860 Lewis Co., WV Census
- Incomplete list of Castos from 1910 Mason Co., WV Census
- Issue #19 – April 2002
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Article on descendents of Hiram Rasburn Casto, son of Daniel Taylor Casto & Mary Elizabeth Shamblin
- Quips & Queries
- Issue #20 – July 2002
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Article on how one subscriber found a sister she didn’t know she had!
- Jackson Co., WV Casto Marriages 1831-1949 (Started with “A” names)
- Issue #21 – October 2002
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Casto Reunions 2002
- Casto Internet Research
- What Do You Know About Family Cemeteries
- Jackson Co., WV Casto Marriages 1831-1949 (“B” and some “C” names)
- Issue #22 – January 2003
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Travels of a Little Address Book
- Whatever Happened to the Castos of NJ—Part 1
- Captain Mark Casto
- Jackson Co., WV Casto Marriages 1831-1949 (rest of the “C” names)
- Issue #23 – April 2003
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Whatever Happened to the Castos of NJ—Part 2
- Jackson Co., WV Casto Marriages 1831-1949 (“D” Names)
- Castos in the Military
- Issue #24 – July 2003
- Keeping You Up-To-Date
- Were the Castos Italian?
- The Castos Who Came Through Ellis Island 1892-1954
- Jackson Co., WV Casto Marriages 1831-1949 (Started with “E”, “F”, and “G” names)
- Issue #25 – October 2003
- Jackson Co., WV Marriages (rest of the list “H” through “Z” – over 700 names in the entire series)