One Sunday afternoon I decided to gather up all the obituaries that I had been sent in e-mails and add them to the ones I had found on-line while looking for Castos. This page is the result. My efforts resulted in 54 pages of Castos. Some are named Casto, some are the mothers, fathers, spouses, sisters, or brothers of a Casto. If you’re looking for that Casto wife’s maiden name, maybe you’ll get lucky here! And while I have never dedicated any other section of my web site, I dedicate this one to all those ancestors who came before us and made our being here today possible.
I tried to list sources so you can verify if you would like. If you would like to submit an obit, please send it to :

Barbara Ann CASTO, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Casto was born August 31st, 1931, died January 5th, 1940, age 8 years, 4 months and 5 days. Surviving are her twin sisters, Helen Lee and Ellen Lou, and her parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Casto. Disease invaded her little frame and while all that medical skill could accomplish was done, God knew best and the tender flower was transported to bloom forever in the paradise of God. Little Barbara Ann’s career in the world, she was one of those bright ones that God only loaned to loved ones for a short time. Her pretty sweet face is not any more with her little schoolmates. There is a place in that home and in father’s, mother’s, and little sisters’ hearts that can never be filled, but Heaven has for them one more attraction. Barbara’s mission in the world has been fulfilled and she has gone to rest without having her heart stained with sin. We sometime wonder why they are taken in childhood. I take thse little lambs, said He, and hold them to my breast; protection they shall find in me, in me be ever blessed. He can care for little Barbara Ann better than earthy parents. She is safely housed where no storms can ever come. May God in his infinite way comfort the parents. Funeral services were conducted at Bartlett Funeral Home Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Interment in the Casto cemetery in Jackson County.
Surnames (each link opens in a new tab):